Client Experiences
How Holistic Therapy has relieved various health problems
I have posted these (translated) experiences with permission, anonymous for privacy reasons.
Chronic fatigue
"Years ago I was diagnosed ‘chronic fatigue’ after various examinations, including tropical diseases. The doctors could not find a cause of my fatigue, I did have Pfeiffer's disease but this was over. No doctor could help me. After years of being fatigue, I ended up at Tua Vita Coaching. Through Holistic Therapy treatments I'm (finally) no longer chronically tired. I am so relieved!“

"In response to a population screening for Osteoporosis (DEXA measurement) my bone density was found to be above average decreased. In blood tests, it was also found that the parathormone level was above the maximum bandwidth: this leads to bone degeneration and it forms an obstacle regarding absorption of calcium in the bones. The doctor said there is no known cure to reduce this hormone value. During a Holistic Therapy consultation, I was tested for supplements to decrease the high value of the parathormone: there are! In addition, the dosage and time limit is tested. To the great surprise of the doctor, the blood levels of the parathyroid hormone was found to be dropped to the bottom of the range."
Allergic skin reactions, eczema
"As a child I suffered from allergic skin reactions such as eczema and after a while, I had also allergic reactions to perfume as well. These complaints have gone completely through holistic therapy treatments. “
Food allergies
"My list with foods to which I responded allergic to was quite long when I came to Vita Tua Coaching. For a long time, I have been tested to what foods I respond allergic; with Holistic Therapy this goes very quickly and the causes of allergic reactions were cleared, together with Homeopathic supplements. Finally: I have no more food allergies! "
Flu symptoms
“For a long time I have had flu symptoms: fatigue, walking the stairs made me sweat immediately, irritation in my throat, etc. I have been examined by an internist for five months and the results of all examinations was that everything was fine. Final note from the internist was, ‘it's in your head’. During a Holistic Therapy consult I have been tested a latent virus (the remnant of a once suffered virus that was still somewhere in my system). She tested what I needed and about a week later, all complaints were gone.”
Feeling depressed
“I've been depressed for a long time: everything felt like a heavy load and I was scared of almost everything. I wondered: what am I doing here? Why is life so tough? And I was having thoughts about how to end my life… But still, I was looking for a solution, another way out and eventually I ended up at Vita Tua Coaching. I started working with Eveline: more and more I realised life doesn't have to be that difficult. Now, after a year, I can say that I have my life back on track. I feel healthy, happy and I am so glad to be alive! I never would have dreamed this outcome!”
“I found it really difficult to unwind and de-stress: I just couldn't... In fact: it gave me even more stress! How do I get out of this circle? Thanks to Eveline's coaching and the techniques I have learned how to unwind and I started to feel calm step by step. Now I am in touch with my body, my feelings and intuition. I know recognise when it is necessary to do one of my exercises. I have also learned techniques how to make healthier choices and what influences have different impacts on my health. This applies to food choices, exercise, how to deal with negative situations and feelings. It feels great!”
“It felt great to experience that Eveline understood my complaints and how she was able to work with me to find out which food, nutritional supplements and other support I need during this period. I have also learned techniques how to do this myself! I am ‘me’ again!”
Stay healthy as you age
“My biggest fear was growing old as my own parents who are both struggling with health problems. I already had problems with my knees and it turned out that I also had diabetes. I started looking into alternative medicine and found my way at Vita Tua Coaching. I am so happy to do something about my complaints, not only preventing worse, but really feel healthy and energized again!”
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